
born on hillsides Learn more about born on hillsides

  • Distribution of the latest Rehmannia glutinosa

    Distribution of the latest Rehmannia glutinosa

    Rehmannia glutinosa is a perennial herb of the genus Scrophulariaceae, which is born on hillsides and roadside wastelands at an altitude of 50,1100m. It is named because its underground root is yellow and white. Its root is one of the traditional Chinese medicines. It first appeared in the Classic of Shennong Materia Medica. Here we come.

    2020-11-10 Most Xindi yellow origin distribution Rehmannia for Scrophulariaceae genus
  • The latest breeding method of Salvia miltiorrhiza

    The latest breeding method of Salvia miltiorrhiza

    Salvia miltiorrhiza is born in Xiangyang hillside grass, ditch side, roadside or forest side, and is distributed in most parts of the country. The propagation method is divided into seed, root division, Reed head or cutting propagation. Reed head as the propagation material has the highest yield, followed by root propagation. Seed breeding spring

    2020-11-10 The latest Salvia miltiorrhiza breeding method born in Xiangyang hillside
  • In which month does orchid bloom? What month is the flowering period of orchid grass?

    In which month does orchid bloom? What month is the flowering period of orchid grass?

    In which month does orchid bloom? What month is the flowering period of orchid grass?

  • Schizandra chinensis

    Schizandra chinensis

    Drug Name: Green leaves are also known as: Neifengxiao, Xiaoxueteng, Guoshanfeng, Zizuan, Fengshateng Chinese Pinyin: luyewuweizi Latin Plant Animal Mineral Name: Schizandravidis A.C.Smith Efficacy: Qufeng Huoxue; Qi Analgesic Family Classification: Schizandra Family Indications: Rheumatic bone pain; Stomachache; Hernia pain; Irregular menstruation; Urticaria; Herpes zoster Ecological Environment: Born in 250-1200m forest, hillside roadside and ravine stream side. mining

  • The latest seed price and planting method of Poria cocos

    The latest seed price and planting method of Poria cocos

    Tuling, also known as cold rice ball, hard rice head, red soil, etc., is a perennial evergreen climbing shrub of the family Liliaceae, which is mostly born on hillsides or under forests. The dried rhizome has the effect of detoxification and dehumidification and relieving joints, which has a certain economic value of cultivation.

    2020-11-10 The latest soil Poria cocos seeds prices and planting methods
  • Distribution of producing area of Rehmannia glutinosa

    Distribution of producing area of Rehmannia glutinosa

    Distribution of producing area of Rehmannia glutinosa

  • Where can I plant the "tofu tree" of Tiger skin Nanke? What are the planting prospects?

    Where can I plant the

    Tofu tree is a kind of tree under the family Polygonaceae. It is born in hillsides, under forests, forest margins, roadsides, barren mountains and shrubs, and is most suitable for slightly acidic to acidic soils, distributed in southwest China, mostly in northeastern Guizhou. So where can I plant tofu trees? What are the planting prospects?

    2020-11-09 Tiger skin Nanke "tofu tree " where can plant prospect
  • What is the latest distribution of light bamboo leaves?

    What is the latest distribution of light bamboo leaves?

    Light bamboo leaves are Gramineae, light bamboo leaves belong to perennial herbs, rhizomes, middle whisker roots can be expanded into spindle-shaped fleshy roots, yellow and white, leaves lanceolate, panicles; caryopsis oval. Born in the shady and humid places under the hillside forest, distributed in the provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River.

    2020-11-10 Latest light bamboo leaves origin distribution there those for
  • Stinky sycamore that can tolerate salt and alkali

    Stinky sycamore that can tolerate salt and alkali

    Changshan, Haizhou, alias smelly sycamore, paulownia, etc., is a garden plant of the genus Verbenaceae. Originated in East China, Central China to Northeast China, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shaanxi, North China, Yanqing Horticultural Center has been introduced. Most of them were born on hillsides, roadsides, streams and villages. Deciduous shrubs or small trees, twigs brown pubescent, leaves opposite, leaves ovoid, 5-16cm long, apex acuminate, base much truncate, entire or undulate-toothed, both surfaces subglabrous, petiole 2-8cm, corymbose Cymes inserted apically or between axils, fuchsia 5-lobed to base.

  • Distribution of the latest Forsythia suspensa

    Distribution of the latest Forsythia suspensa

    Forsythia is also known as yellow stripe, forsythia, Huangqidan, etc. it is a deciduous shrub of the family Oleaceae, which is born in hillside shrubs, under forests or grasses, or in valleys and ravines. The fruit can be used as medicine and has the functions of heat-clearing, detoxification, detoxification and detumescence.

    2020-11-10 The latest forsythia origin distribution alias yellow flower strip
  • Planting techniques of Pennisetum equisetum how to deal with Pennisetum in winter

    Planting techniques of Pennisetum equisetum how to deal with Pennisetum in winter

    Pennisetum, also known as paparazzi, weasel, etc., is a common weed, which is very similar to our common dogtail. Pennisetum also belongs to a kind of ornamental grass, which has a certain ornamental value, and can also be used as feed to feed animals.

    2020-11-08 Wolftail grass planting technology winter how treatment wolftail grass again
  • When will the latest eucalyptus blossom?

    When will the latest eucalyptus blossom?

    Eucalyptus, also known as white diesel, mango, Youjali, big-leaf eucalyptus, etc., is the general name of the genus Eucalyptus of the myrtle family. The vast majority of its origin grows in mainland Australia, on sunny plains, hillsides and roadsides, and is cultivated in the south and southwest of China.

    2020-11-10 The latest eucalyptus when flowering also known as white diesel
  • Main excellent varieties of Lycium barbarum

    Main excellent varieties of Lycium barbarum

    Chinese wolfberry is also known as Chinese wolfberry, blood berry, western Chinese wolfberry, Jin Chinese wolfberry and so on. Lycium barbarum has the characteristics of drought tolerance, barren tolerance, salt and alkali tolerance, strong adaptability and reproductive ability, often born on the deep soil banks, hillsides, fields and houses, and its excellent varieties are mainly cultivated from natural hybridization. The varieties planted in Ningxia Hui Autonomous region are relatively stable and widely distributed, and the varieties with higher per unit yield are Ningqi 1, Ningqi 2 and hemp leaf, followed by small hemp leaf wolfberry, yellow fruit Lycium barbarum, white Chinese wolfberry,

  • The latest breeding method of Polygala tenuifolia

    The latest breeding method of Polygala tenuifolia

    Polygala like cool climate, drought resistance, avoid high temperature, more wild born in relatively dry fields, roadsides, hillsides and other places, to sunny, good drainage of sandy cultivation is good, followed by clay loam and calcareous loam, clay and low wet areas are not suitable for planting

    2020-11-10 latest polygala of propagation method hi cool climate
  • When will Mengzi cherry ripen

    When will Mengzi cherry ripen

    Mengzi cherry is produced in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. it is born in hillside forest and is 1800 meters above sea level. the ripe cherry is large in shape and beautiful in flavor. So, when will Mengzi cherry ripen? When will Mengzi cherries ripen? Mengzi cherry in April

    2020-11-09 Mengzi cherry when ripe produced in
  • When does myrtle bear fruit? What does it do?

    When does myrtle bear fruit? What does it do?

    Myrtle, alias: Duoni, Gangyu, Shanyu, etc., its fruit can be eaten, the whole plant for medicinal purposes, is a hillside green, soil and water conservation evergreen shrub, then when does myrtle bear fruit? What does it do? Next, let's find out together. Myrtle what?

    2020-11-09 peach gold mother when results what effect
  • Planting techniques of Chinese cabbage

    Planting techniques of Chinese cabbage

    Planting techniques of Chinese cabbage

  • Albizia evergreen or fallen leaves

    Albizia evergreen or fallen leaves

    Albizzia flowers, also known as albizzia, nocturnal trees, velvet trees, velvet trees, bitter flowers, etc., born on hillsides or artificially cultivated. It has the effects of relieving depression and calming the mind, nourishing yin and tonifying yang, regulating qi and appetizer, activating collaterals and relieving pain, so is it evergreen or fallen leaves? First, evergreen or evergreen

    2020-11-08 Albizzia evergreen or fallen leaves flowers also known as night
  • Is Xiao Qingyang evergreen or deciduous?

    Is Xiao Qingyang evergreen or deciduous?

    Small green poplar is a plant of the genus Populus, which is distributed in Northeast, North China, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan and other places. It is born on hillsides, gullies and river banks below 2300 m above sea level. So, is Xiao Qingyang evergreen or deciduous? Is Xiao Qingyang evergreen or evergreen?

    2020-11-08 Xiaoqing Yang yes evergreen or deciduous.
  • Health food five-finger hairy peach

    Health food five-finger hairy peach

    Five-finger peach, commonly known as wild loquat, Tubeiqi, five-claw dragon and so on, is a small shrub or small tree plant. It is 8 meters high, with milk, fragrant root bark, hard hairs on stems, leaves and fruits, and leaves cracking like palms. Most of them are born in hillside open land, valley, water side or bushes, and the main use part is the root. It is a kind of plant with good medicinal value. It has a pungent, sweet and flat taste, which is beneficial to replenishing deficiency of qi, relieving depression, strengthening muscles and activating collaterals, invigorating spleen and resolving dampness, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. At present, it has been developed for health food therapy, and it has been made.
